Mae Logo in balck

About Us

From concept to production we are dedicated to our values of sustainable practices in the fashion industry.

What we do

Apparel, soft goods & textile design development for textile/garment companies.

Who we do it for

Mae studios believes in emulation through encounter. The studio collaborates with various actors in the field of fashion and textile design. It aims at making accessible small-scale production for up and coming to mid size textile and fashion brands, letting them sell small batch and on demand products.

Why we do it

We hope to make the development and production process easy for any individual/company looking into starting/growing their own apparel or soft good brand locally. We give recommendations on construction techniques to achieve well-priced, lasting pieces that allows selling confidently their products.

Mae Designs clothing on hanger
Our Ethos

We thrive for helping our clients develop well-thought, lasting products. The ethic of quality informs our design thinking process and guides us in our product development path.


We believe that reviving local manufacturing is the way to minimize the environmental impact of products . Our  sustainable engagement goes from training apprentices in the craft of garment making,  engaging with current ecological and sustainable conversations as well as diffusing garment making knowledge to the general public.We collaborate with our clients to engage in a process of continuous learning about best sustainable practices . This starts by recognizing that it’s an ongoing process which requires transparency and accountability about production strategies.


We are inspired by Helena Norberg-Hodge body of work that invites us to foster regeneration and ecological restoration through relocalization. Present day global economy doesn't take into account the ecological cost of long distance trade. Re-investing in local organizations creates resilient communities that have the ability to reconnect with local biodiversity as well as to prioritize health and well being for all . We support organizations in putting these beliefs in action  and accompany them in their sustainable journey.

Cécile Raizonville graduated from Felicidad Duce Fashion institute ( now LCI ) in Barcelona in 2010. Her following experience with the sustainable brand Bodkin in New York inspired her to learn more about the best environmental practices in fashion. She moved to British columbia in 2016 and has since worked in the local garment manufacturing industry. She founded with two collaborators the Brand Matière Noire which gained recognition in the Canadian fashion scene. She aims at engaging creatively with local textile and fashion organizations while contributing to the sustainable transformation of modern garment culture.